Monday, February 28, 2011


There often, with the benefit of hindsight, seems an inevitability about what happens to people. One believes the clues were there all along, compressed into conversations, encrypted into encounters, like a word whose meaning one was then yet to learn. But one wonders a bit about hindsight. Is it really all it’s trumped up to be? Would I now with hindsight not have stolen money from my mother’s purse when I was ten? I doubt it, even though I was eventually caught and the crime caused some domestic distress. The amphetamine rush of creping into the bedroom while my parents watched television directly below and spying the bag on the bed was a reward in itself. That to me was life on a scale worth living. And the possibility of outrage and punishment was part of the pact. Hindsight hasn’t done the planet much good either. I suppose because, like apologies, it always arrives too late. Sometimes I think history is a bit like Cluedo. This time round it was Professor Plum with the lead piping in the conservatory. So what? Next time it might be Miss Scarlet with the dagger in the ballroom but the plot is always the same.


  1. Can't change the past, and if you did - you wouldn't be who you are today.

  2. I don't think hindsight is the problem. It's the lack of foresight, the aversion to consequences. We saw it coming; we just didn't believe it would happen to us.

  3. You are a very philosophical person, Glenn. :)

  4. Some people say they have no regrets, they don't believe in them, that hindsight is useless and unnecessary. I'm not sure. I have some regrets, I'm sure if we all really thought about it we would agree. It's true that you can't change the past, and that everything we have done has made us into the person we are now ... but what if we don't like that person? What if we want to learn from this hindsight? I believe this is hindsight's virtue, the ability to learn from our mistakes. If it's true that our past actions have made us the person we are today, then it's also true that they help us plan and live our future lives.

    I have some regrets, some things I would do differently; but it's because of hindsight that I have the knowledge, the burn on the fingertips from touching the hot plate, and the will to not follow that path again.

  5. Never put too much thought into it. I generally take life as it is and just learn from mistakes when they happen. I agree with lack of foresight thing though. Things can usually be averted.
